2016/06/12Church Activities
Report on the Crusade in India
Senior pastor Shigemasa Shigaki accompanied Reverend Yonggi Cho to Chennai (formerly known as Madras) in India, from June 6(Mon) to 11(Sat). Below are some photos of the crusade.
↑Arrival to the Chennai International Airport.
↑Dance Worship by our Indian brothers & sisters.
↑Gangnam Full Gospel Church Dance Team
↑People going to the crusade.
↑Preaching of Rev. Yonggi Cho shown on big screens in a packed conference center.
↑Reverend Yonggi Cho preaching passionately.
↑It was full even outside the conference center.
↑People listening to the preaching.
↑Around 300,000 people came to the crusade.
↑A woman filled with the holy spirit and praying.